Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nick Jonas yay

Nick Jonas Bio - Nick Jonas Biography - Nick Jonas Stories

Nicholas Jerry Jonas was born on September 16, 1992, in Dallas, Texas. He has been singing ever since he was little and has starred in several Broadway musicals. Some of them include Beauty and the Beast, Les Miserables, Annie Get Your Gun Out, and A Christmas Carol. His band, the Jonas Brothers, include two of his brothers, Kevin and Joe. The band actually started as a solo project of his.

Nick's favorite snack is from Taco Bell. He likes getting two chalupas and a taco.Nick's favorite designers are A.P.C. and Phillip Lim. Nick loves it when a girl doesn't come on too strong.
Nick prefers a home-cooked meal than eating out. Nick says the secret to his style is rolling up his sleeves.
His favorite song to sing in the shower is "Alison" by Elvis Costello. (edit)
The best lesson his mom ever taught him was to be respectful. (edit)
Nick wears football pads when performing so he doesn't get hurt when he slides onstage. (edit)
Nick's favorite Bible verse is Matthew 5:14: "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." (edit)
Nick started a charity called Change for the Children Foundation, which helps kids with diabetes. (edit)
Nick has admitted that he loves playing Guitar Hero, and that he's also horrible at it. (edit)
If his band continues to be successful, he doesn't think he'll be going to college. (edit)
While touring, Nick guards his socks. At home, he keeps count of the socks in his drawer. (edit)
Nick doesn't believe in luck. (edit)
Nick says it would be cool to have the ability to fly. (edit)
Nick prefers texting rather than myspace or aim. (edit)
Nick Jonas has the same birthday as Sabrina Bryan of the Cheetah Girls. (edit)
Nick shares a bedroom with his brother Frankie. (edit)
Nick can do one-handed cartwheels. (edit)
Nick attended Eastern Christian High School in North Haledon, New Jersey. (edit)
His favorite way to chill on a rainy day is watching movies. (edit)
Some artists Nick has on his iPod are Maroon 5, Johnny Cash, The Animals, and The Rascals. (edit)
When he watches a TV show or movie, Nick likes to write reviews about them and giving his opinion. (edit)
He is a big Johnny Cash fan. (edit)
Nick's favorite childhood book is Magic Tree House. (edit)
Nick's favorite subject in school is Spelling. His favorite science subject is Geology. (edit)
Nick's favorite piece of clothing is a Yankees hat. (edit)
The first theme park Nick ever visited was a Six Flags in 1997. (edit)
The first book Nick read was Silly War on Sunday. (edit)
Nick says that they only things that make him cry are onions. (edit)
The first song Nick ever sang was a song from Peter Pan. (edit)
Nick's favorite thing about school is learning new information. (edit)
Nick's favorite historical era is the French Revolution. (edit)
Nick's first major purchase was a Gameboy Advance. (edit)
Nick's most ridiculous New Years's resolution was to stop drinking soda, but he said that it was too impossible for him. (edit)
Nick admitted to enjoying spending time with Miley on their tour together on the Ellen Degeneres' show in 2007, but she is not his favorite. (edit)
Nick's favorite car is an Escalade. (edit)
His favorite musicians are Stevie Wonder, Fall Out Boy, and Switchfoot. (edit)
His most influential people are his parents. (edit)
As a child, Nick describes himself as very creative and independent. (edit)
He owns 8 guitars. (edit)
Nick hates it when his brothers take his stuff. (edit)
Nick's favorite type of Marshmellow Peeps are the ducks. (edit)
Nick was inspired to play guitar from watching Fall Out Boy. (edit)
Nick would save his guitar and his Bible if his house was to catch on fire. (edit)
Nick is a fan of Penn State University's football team. (edit)
Nick can fall asleep in the most uncomfortable positions. (edit)
The first movie Nick attended was Barney. (edit)
Nick's favorite pastime is reading. (edit)
Nick's favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. (edit)
Nick's favorite after shave is Abercrombie. (edit)
Nick's favorite NFL team is the Dallas Cowboys, he doesn't mention it a lot because he is from New Jersey and people would make fun of him. (edit)
Nick's first trip out of the country was to Toronto, Canada. (edit)
Nick's best friends are Maya Kibble and Mandy Vandamye. (edit)
The main things that make Nick laugh are his brothers. (edit)
Nick's favorite pizza topping is cheese. (edit)
Nick loves his mother's egg casserole dish for breakfast. (edit)
According to his mom (Denise), Nick will "only eat his hamburgers in circles. He goes around the outside instead of digging right through. (edit)
His horoscope is Virgo. (edit)
His name, "Nicholas", means 'Victory of the People' and is of Greek origin.His middle name, "Jerry", means Spear Ruler and is originates from Germany. (edit)
He hates spiders. (edit)
Nick has an iPhone. His ringtone is the James Bond 007 theme song. (edit)
Nick's trademark is his curly hair. (edit)
Nick prefers Diet Coke over Diet Pepsi. (edit)
Nick's favorite dessert is pumpkin pie. (edit)
Nick's favorite Baby Bottle Pop flavor is cotton candy. (edit)
As of 2007, Nick lives in Los Angeles, California. (edit)
Nick craves McDonald's right after he plays golf. (edit)
Nick likes watermelon candies. (edit)
Nick's eyes are supersensitive to light. (edit)
There is a code on the dog tag which identifies Nick. This is so that if he ever gets into any sort of accident, and needs to be taken to the hospital, they know that he has diabetes. This way, they know not to give him certain medications that can be harmful to his body because of diabetes. When they put the code into the computer at the hospital, they get Nick’s medical history. Everyone with type 1 diabetes gets one of these, and it is their choice whether they are going to wear it or not. (edit)
Nick's favorite fruit are plums. (edit)
Nick loves Germany. (edit)
His favorite superhero is Spiderman. (edit)
His favorite season is spring. (edit)
Nick likes mint-chip flavored gelati. (edit)
Song writing is Nick's way of letting his feelings out. (edit)
Nick naturally has brown hair and brown eyes. (edit)
The subject Nick likes the least is math. (edit)
Nick would rather text a girl than call her. (edit)
He doesn't mind being called "the one with the curly hair". (edit)
Nick is Christian. (edit)
According to Kevin, Nick can't stand it if someone wears his socks, he flips out and its "funny". (edit)
Faith is very important to his entire family. (edit)
Nick's purity ring has 'Poned' inscribed on it which means 'to be let down or disappointed'. (edit)
He was discovered in a barbershop while getting his haircut. (edit)
Once lost his purity ring and got a new one made at Disney World. (edit)
His nickname is Nick J. Some people say "Nick J is off the chain." His other nickname is "The President" or "Mr. President." (edit)
His favorite drinks are Diet Coca-Cola, Diet Dr. Pepper, and 7-11's Slurpees. (edit)
His favorite sandwich is an Italian Hero. (edit)
His favorite fast food restaurant is McDonald's and In-N-Out Burger. (edit)
His favorite movies are Finding Neverland and Juno. (edit)
His favorite song is "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder. (edit)
Nick has an iPod Nano. (edit)
He hates it when a girl is afraid to eat in front of him. (edit)
He loves Red Bull (an energy drink). (edit)
He can breakdance. (edit)
When Nick was in the Broadway play Beauty and The Beast, he played Chip. (edit)
He has a Sidekick 3 (cellphone) and he got it decorated. (edit)
Nick can juggle. (edit)
Nick's cologne is Abercrombie. (edit)
Nick wrote the song "SOS" based on a past experience. (edit)
The thing Nick must have in the studio is Hershey's chocolate. (edit)
Like Kevin and Joe [Jonas], Nick wears a purity ring. (edit)
Nick's favorite song to play in concert is "Year 3000." (edit)
He once missed a family vacation to be in a Broadway play. (edit)
Nick was originally going to have a solo album but when the record company heard about his brothers (Joe and Kevin's) musical talent they formed the band "the Jonas Brothers". (edit)
His Chinese horoscope sign is the monkey. (edit)
His favorite ice cream is cotton candy. (edit)
His favorite actors are Matt Long and Keri Lynn Pratt from Jack and Bobby. (edit)
His favorite sport is baseball. (edit)
Nick's favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees and his favorite baseball player is Derek Jeter. (edit)
He and his brothers (The Jonas Brothers) are spokespeople for "Baby Bottle Pops". (edit)
Nick keeps his closet surprisingly clean. (edit)
Nick loves Green Tea Frappuccinos. (edit)
Nick's favorite candy is Sweet Tarts and gummy worms. (edit)
If he were a crayon he says he would be the color, Royal Blue. (edit)
His favorite cereal is Cheerios. (edit)
His favorite singer is Stevie Wonder and his favorite band is Switchfoot. (edit)
His most ticklish spot is his feet. (edit)
His favorite food is steak. (edit)
He is the youngest member of his band, The Jonas Brothers. (edit)
Nick wrote the song Please Be Mine. This was when the idea of Kevin and Joe [Jonas] joining Nick with his record deal came up. (edit)
Nick plays the guitar, drums and keyboard. (edit)
Some of his hobbies includes playing baseball and golf, collecting baseball cards, reading, tennis, songwriting and music. (edit)
Nick enjoys watching Lost, Heroes, and the Sports Center on ESPN. (edit)
Nick's favorite color is blue. (edit)
Nick has three brothers, Kevin, Joe and Frankie. (edit)
Nick has Type 1 Diabetes. He was diaganosed in 2005 while he was out on tour. (edit)
Nick's most prized possessions is an Olympic Gold Medal, his iPhone and his golf set. (edit)
Nick's celebrity crushes are Jordan Pruitt, Anna Kornikova, Camilla Belle and Brenda Song. (edit)
His hidden talent is playing the drums. (edit)
The first thing Nick notices in a girl is her eyes. (edit)
As of 2007, Nick is 5'7 1/2. (edit)

Quotesadd » Nick: (about what he thinks of Miley Cyrus) Miley's awesome, just a really cool girl. She's down to earth, and she's really important to me. (edit)
Nick: You know, sometimes life brings out its complications and some hardships, but you know, it's how we deal with them that counts. (edit)
Nick: (when asked if he prefered Eli Manning or Tom Brady) The Giants! It's so funny how in Jersey it's completely split down the middle. It's, like, northern New Jersey always seems like is Yankees/Giants, and south is Jets/Mets. Like, the Jets are green-that's not even cool. (edit)
Nick: (when asked "what's on your iPod") Johnny Cash. I love that songwriting style. (edit)
Nick: (when asked if he prefered the BlackBerry or iPhone) BlackBerry. I had the iPhone for a little while, but I'm more of a businessman; I wanted to have a phone where I could really actually do things. (edit)
Nick: (asked who's his style icon) Elvis Costello. I like his consistency, it's really cool. (edit)
Nick: (asked what was hes first First Hollywood moment?) Meeting the president was pretty cool. (edit)
Nick: Personally, I find the acting thing to be a little more difficult than music. It's fun, but I sometimes get nervous around the cameras--I forget my lines and stuff like that. (edit)
Nick: I've gotten really good at waking myself up. In the past, I would always be late for stuff and people would get mad at me, so I had to change that. Now I set my alarm on my phone and make sure I wake up. (edit)
Nick: I fell asleep at a photoshoot once I just sat down on the couch and it was the release of our [self-titled] CD so I was so tired. I looked at something, closed my eyes, and woke up an hour later. I heard someone say, "are you ready to do your first shot?" And I was like, "Yeah." But I had no idea where I was or anything. It was pretty hilarious. (edit)
Nick: I'm pretty wiped out after a long day, so I usually hit the bed and fall right asleep. I sleep like a rock. Plus, I have the talent of being able to fall asleep anywhere--even sitting down. I'll fall asleep with my mouth wide open. It's really unattractive. (edit)
Nick: My favorite sneakers are a nice pair of Converse. They're always good. (edit)
Nick: I'm most comfortable wearing a tie and a t-shirt. And if I'm going out, I'll throw on a button-down shirt with a cool jacket. (edit)
Nick: People call me an 'old soul.' It's a nice way to say that I'm like an old man. When I was 3, I acted like I was 30. Now I act like I'm 50. I get made fun of a lot, but it's all good. It's who I am. (edit)
Nick: I'm pretty crazy about the Yankees. When I can't actually watch a game, I TiVo it. I am also a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I don't tell many people that because I will get made fun on because I'm from New Jersey. (edit)
Nick: I think it's defintely possible for [girls and guys to just be friends]. It just comes down to if there's a situation where you might be leading them on, you're trying your hardest just to, like, not be flirtatious in any way, and then it's all good. (edit)
Nick: I love Diet Coke. I really got into it once I got diagnosed with diabetes, because I couldn't drink regular Coke and I really like Coca-Cola. I probably have about four a day. (edit)
Nick: I like to play deejay. I'll play a lot of older songs like Michael Jackson and then some slower jams like Chicago. I work the lights too. (edit)
Nick: (on his brother Frankie) He's doomed. The other day he sat down at the piano and said, 'I'm writing a song.' (edit)
Nick: I just want to do whatever the Lord has planned for me to do. (edit)
Nick: (about performing on Broadway) It's awesome; I love everything about it. It's so exciting to go on stage every day - to sing a song and know 1,500 people are watching! (edit)
Nick: (after hearing the Jonas Brothers are being compared to the Beatles) We're just three guys from New Jersey living a dream. (edit)
Nick: Luckily, I've got some really great people around me that really help me manage my diabetes. And it hasn't slowed me down yet, and I'm not planning on letting it do that. So I'm going to continue to do what I love and if I have occasional low or high blood sugar, it will be all right because I've got some really great people surrounding me. (edit)
Nick: Broadway was amazing. I loved it! I feel like it was really good training for what I'm doing now. (edit)
Nick: Boys don't really know what they're doing half the time. Sometimes I'm oblivious to flirting, and I just have to ask, "Okay, what's the deal? Are you into me or not?" Or I'm the last one to even realize that I have a girlfriend until someone mentions it. (edit)
Nick: I know that true love is definitely out there. (edit)
Nick: I have two modes. First I get really quiet, but then I'm the complete opposite, where I'm like telling jokes. How I act depends on the girl. It helps when a girl's really confident because then I don't feel like I have to entertain her. (edit)
Nick: I have a tendency to sort of look away when I start to like a girl. So if I have to work hard to look in her eyes and be engaging during a conversation, then I know it's cool and it's for real. (edit)
Nick: I wouldn't date a girl with a bad attitude. I'm "Mr. Positive." (edit)
Nick: My hair actually used to be straight. When I turned 12, my hair got curly. It was the weirdest thing in the world. It's always been kind of long. When it gets really long I want to cut it all off. My mom, dad and manager are always like "You have to keep your long hair." (edit)
Nick: A date should be about having fun. (edit)
Nick: Every step you take is a new experience. (edit)
Nick: Technically, flirting is a dangerous thing because you never know if someone is flirting with you or just giving you a compliment. There is an actual difference. (edit)
Nick: I've never had a girlfriend during Christmastime. But I think the perfect holiday date scenario would be Christmas in New York City. I'd like to go down to central Park, hang out by the ice skating rink, possibly Rockefeller Center. There's a couple of thing you've just gotta see when you're in New York City. (edit)
Nick:(about gossip) I just think it's funny. Because you take a picture with somebody, then automatically you're dating. I just laugh it off. (edit)
Nick: You should be able to share everything with your girlfriend. (edit)
Nick: When I was eight, I had a snow day. Both of my best friends were off from school and we played this game where we lived in an imaginary life (called snow Muntain). I think I got frostbite, but it's all good.
Nick: I know I've been in love. but I waited a long time before I said the word "love" to someone even though I'd been thinking it, because I consider "love" to be more than just a word.
Nick: (about embarrassing fan moments) The worst is when I'll be on an airplane. I sleep all the time when I'm on planes and my mouth is, like, wide open while I'm sleeping. I just look totally stupid. and I'll just look around the plane and see tweens staring and taking pictures of me looking like that.
Nick: In the moment, I'll have a strong inspiration for [lyrics], and most of the time I really want to get it off my chest and, like, let it go, whereas other people mat write it down in a journal and be done with it or vent and get it out. I like to do that...but with songwriting. I'll just wanna write it, most of the time, songs that come out of it are really cool. Nick: I once ate a two-pound steak all by myself!
Nick: It's embarrassing for me to text message back and forth with a girl. I'm asking all these questions just to continue a conversation when I should just be hanging out with her.
Nick: I look at my parents and I see a great example of what a relationship can be. They've given us a wonderful example, and I know that true love is defintely out there. Nick: I love to sing and play. I love sports and I am very serious about everything I do in life. Nick: (about being a heartthrob) It's any guy's dream and the fact that I'm able to live it is awesome. Nick: When you're texting, you can say things to a girl that you'd never say in person. You just type what you want and press send.
Nick: My first kiss was really good. It was looking over the city skyline. It was sweet! It was awesome.
Nick: I usually don't do one huge thing that's really nice. I like
to spread little gifts out here and there.
Nick: The OmniPod has totally changed my life. I love it!
Nick: Yeah I've avoided girls before, but for a reason. If I like a girl, there's a chance I don't know what she's thinking. So I start to question the situation. I want her to notice me, so I play it cool.
Nick: I crush on girls who are kinda quiet, too.
Nick: I'm not shy, but I am quiet. I don't like to meet a lot of people.Nick: It sounds funny, but my biggest fear is that I'm not perfect. I'm a perfectionist, and I get upset when things go wrong or when I don't do well. I used to be very uptight, but I've learned to loosen up.
Nick: My favorite way to impress a girl is by singing to her. I want to serenade her, or at least try to.
Nick: I'd get dressed up for prom, so it will be sweet if my date came dressed up too. Nick: Sometimes my fans will be like, 'Sign my shoe!' and they put their feet up. Nick: I really love dresses [on a girl]. I like a girl who looks like a lady.
Nick: (When asked if he ever fought with somebody over a girl) I actually had a problem with my little brother Frankie. I was saying that I thought Miley Cyrus from Hannah Montana was cute. He was like, "What?!" He ran over and tried to beat me up. Nick: (When asked about rumors) I just think they're funny. Just because you take a picture with somebody, then you're automatically dating. Nick: (When asked what his dream date would be) I would buy box tickets to a Yankees game and watch the Yankees beat the Red Sox.Nick: I've learned a lot about dating from my brothers. I've done really well with the relationships that I've been in so far.
Nick: (About Kevin's obsession with Starbucks) We were in a mall one time and it was on the other side of the mall, and he goes, "I can smell Starbucks," and just starts running to it.Nick: My biggest pet peeve is when people pretend to be me [on MySpace]. It's just like, annoying when they message people as me because you never know what they're going to write or say.
Nick: I love watching sports, and I like to be outside, even if it's raining.
Nick: You have to talk to your friends about your crush, because your crush will be talking about you with their friends.
Nick: You've got to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable. Nick: I need a girlfriend who'll just have a good time with me.
Nick: My pick up line is, "Slow down, sugar, because I'm a diabetic"!
Nick: I love earlobes! No, I'm kidding. I would have to say if a girl has beautiful eyes, I'm going to be interested.Nick: I thought the popular kids were the cool kids. I got caught up in that, and it was bogus. High school is about finding who you are because that's more important than trying to be someone else.
Nick( on the songs he and his brothers write): You know what I'm going through now Kevin's already gone through and Joe's already gone through, so we can all kinda relate to each other.
Nick: (On the song "Still In Love With You") I wrote that song after a breakup. It's like, where a couple of weeks go by, and you still find yourself in love with your ex. Nick: On the way to the hospital Kevin and Joe [Jonas] looked up diabetes online. They knew more about it than I did before I got there! They're there for me all the time!
Nick (On his diabetes): I wasn't gonna let it slow me down!
Nick: Even though we [him and his brothers] have a younger brother, I'm considered the baby. But I'm more adult than Joe and Kevin!
Nick: It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything. Nick: Joe [Jonas] took me under his arm like the hero that he is. Joe saved my life, so I owe him.
Nick(on how he used to be with relationships): I used to rush into things a lot. That didn't work too well. Now I take it slow-get to know the girl and stuff. I found that it works better. But if its really awesome I'll jump into it. Nick: (on what he looks for in a girl) I look for someone who has confidence. Also someone whose energetic, cause I'm NOT that energetic. Nick: Yo that's illogical I can't have it!
Nick: (talking about his purity ring) I got my ring at Disney World! Nick: I like looking at the stars on a clear night.
Nick: (when he calls a girl) My heart starts beating really fast and I have this thing where I gulp sometimes.
Nick: Some girls try too hard to get guys' attentions by not wearing much clothes. When a girl dresses nicely with good taste it says that she has confidence and that she takes pride in her appearance.Nick: What I'm looking for in a girl is someone who will understand my crazy schedule and will be there to support me. Just a girl who will make me smile and keep me happy.